Bahasa Indonesia Video Lesson: S.P.O.K Theory in Writing
S.P.O.K is basic way to determine the right sentence order in Bahasa. I think, this is important to know first if you learn Bahasa Indonesia. Actually, its advanced lesson but I make it more simple and understandable.
What is SPOK?
S: is Subjek/Subject is usually noun.
P: is Predikat / Verb
O: is Objek is usually noun too.
K: is Keterangan or Adverb
You can make sentences with using SPOK theory. For Example:
Saya sedang makan,
Saya: Subjek
Sedang makan: Predikat
Dia telah tidur
Dia : Subjek
Telah tidur: Predikat
And this other ex that adding an object:
Mereka akan belajar Bahasa Inggris besok.
Mereka: subjek
Akan belajar : Predikat
Bahasa Inggris: Objek
Besok: Adverb